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Our elections are a great place to get involved and run for an ASUOP position! There are several positions you have to choose from during our regular or special election cycles. Please read below for more information on how to run & what elections consist of!

**Reminder: If you do not want to run during our elections cycle you still can be a member of our Cabinet! Cabinet positions are hired and job listings are posted on handshake throughout the year. 


You are able to run for any Senate position as well as part of a President x Vice President ticket. 

There are 14 total Senate positions (7) school specific positions & (7) Senator-at-large positions. 

1 Senator for the Eberhardt School of Business
1 Senator for the College of the Pacific
1 Senator for the School of Health Sciences
1 Senator for the School of Engineering and Computer Science
1 Senator for Benerd College
1 Senator for the School of Pharmacy
1 Senator for the Conservatory of Music

7 Senators at Large

The President & Vice President run together as a ticket so make sure to find a partner before you announce your intent to run. There will be one elected ticket for a total of (1) President & (1) Vice President.


Our regular elections take place every spring semester and opens up all (14) Senate positions, President, & Vice President. You can run for any of these positions during this time. 

Special elections are opened when there is a need to fulfill vacant positions, there is no set time for special elections as they only take place on a need basis. The positions you are available to run for depend on open vacancies, meaning not every position is open.


You must either attend an in-person candidate orientation or watch a virtual orientation through the link provided in the "Elections Materials" Google Drive. Once you complete your orientation you are then tasked to get signatures of support from your fellow peers. Senators need (25) signatures and those running for President/Vice President need (100) signatures. In addition to these signatures those running must complete and submit the following documents: Candidate Application, Candidate Quiz, & Campaign Staff Roster. 


Voting links are sent out to your school email. Each link is unique to you and can only be used once. Make sure to check your email and use that link to vote before voting ends!

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