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The Associated Students of the University of the Pacific (ASuop) is the governing student body that is responsible for advocating and working on behalf of student concerns. To benefit students, ASuop Government maintains close working relationships with the Division of Student Life and partnerships around the Stockton Community. ASuop Government has three branches: Executive, Legislative, and Judicial. These three branches work together to ensure that the student's voice is heard in university governance, supply essential and valuable service to the ASuop members, and provide the opportunity to be involved in student life at Pacific.


FREE New York Times subscription

Just log in with your student email!

Funding for career and graduate school expenses

Student leaders with access to University administration

Free marketing services to RSOs

Fun events like Block Party, DeStress Fest, and Tigerlands




Pacific Thrives

Pacific Thrives is a 16-week ASuop initiative aimed at promoting 8 areas of wellness, including: career, financial, intellectual, physical, environmental, spiritual, social, and emotional. Each month of the Spring semester will be themed after one of these areas and will feature special events and speajers to encourage wellness in the Pacific community.

Open Education Resource Award (OERS)

Open Education Resources (OERs) open source teaching, learning, and research materials created by faculty for students everywhere. We hope that this annual award will incentivize faculty to create customized, innovative materials free for use for their students. Faculty are able to remove financial barriers to make learning accessible and customizable for all!


Our overall goal is to take our combined experiences as student leaders to uplift other students’ voices and make the Pacific experience accessible for all - by working for change, working for you. With the changes remote learning brought and adjusting to our new college experience, what does it now mean to be a “Pacifican”? How can we cultivate a shared sense of identity as a student body? With this upcoming school year, we aim to enhance the student experience through accessibility reforms, mental health programming, systemic sustainability practices, and DEI-oriented community-building and education.



We’re advocating for the creation of university-wide policies and standards for students to have educational flexibility. Facilitating more intentional communication and transparency between ASuop leaders and constituents represents a secondary but equally vital tenet of accessibility that we will champion, first through the establishment and expansion of this website.




Sustainability should be promoted at an institutional level by collaborating with Sustaining Pacific and the DUC to incentivize actionable lifestyle changes that students can take to be eco-conscious.

We’ll prioritize intentional DEI work in all facets of campus life. This would include coalition-building with existing DEI programs such as Center for Identity and Inclusion and Black Student Services, as well as advocating for more DEI education in the GE curriculum.


Mental Health

We want to establish regular synchronous and asynchronous programming oriented towards student wellbeing and mental health through raising awareness about existing programs and infrastructure catered to student wellness.

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